Tax return and
Annual financial statements
Expert advice to our clients – in all types of taxes in the fulfillment of tax declaration obligations – is one of our core competencies – from e.g. Income tax, sales tax, trade tax, corporate income tax up to inheritance tax. We prepare tax returns for you as an individual as well as for your company, handle the necessary correspondence with the tax authorities and represent your rights vis-à-vis the tax authorities and tax courts. In addition, we are at your side as a competent and reliable partner during tax audits.
Our other diverse range of services includes the fulfillment of legal obligations with regard to the preparation of annual financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the German Commercial Code and tax law. Here, the balancing act between tax-optimized earnings reporting and the requirements of the lending bank must be mastered.
For this reason, and due to increasingly divergent accounting rules under tax law and commercial law, the result of the commercial balance sheet necessarily differs from the result of the tax balance sheet in many cases.
Our expert team will be happy to advise you on all matters relating to the annual financial statements, support you in your optimization decisions and also provide expert assistance in credit negotiations.
Tax consulting should primarily involve active and forward-looking advice on the organization of economic activities. Together with you, we look for the best solution strategy right from the start. The best way from a tax point of view is not always the best way from an economic, legal or personal point of view. That’s why we work with you to find the best overall design that takes all factors into account. Advice must be given in advance, after which damage limitation is the order of the day. If necessary, we extend our offer and therefore we cooperate with other tax advisors, auditors, management consultants and lawyers at any time.